Gay pride songs 2016

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f(x) AmberĪ K-Pop icon for breaking gender stereotypes in the industry, f(x)‘s Amber has expressed her solidarity with the LGBTQ community more than once.Īmber has mentioned her love and support towards the LGBTQ in many interviews as she has friends who are gay and openly supports them. He stated that love is between two people and that the opinions of others should not matter. Super Junior‘s Heechul made his stance on the topic of love and gender very clear when discussing Director Kim Jho Kwang-Soo, who married his boyfriend Kim Seong Hwan. “I support you for speaking out that different doesn’t mean wrong”. He also made the letter his profile picture for some time in support to the student. He once even took to Twitter to show solidarity with a trans-bisexual Sungkonghoe University protest in regards to acceptance in Korea student by stating: SHINee‘s Jonghyun has been known to be a very open in his views and supportive of his stance towards the LGBTQ community. Despite the stigma against homosexuality in South Korea due to its conservative views, there have been a few idols who have stood up for the LGBTQ community and showed their support.

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